You may not have heard of Chloe McCardle but the marathon swimmer will go down in sport’s history books. She may be low key but she’s tough as they come.
How many times have you heard someone say men are better golfers than women? It might surprise them that women outperform men in a number of key factors.
Sick of being asked what you hate about your body? As part of our Strong is the New Pretty Campaign we’re calling on women to tell us what they love instead
Michelle Payne made history becoming the first female jockey to win the Melbourne Cup and it was her speech that had every woman fist pumping with pride.
Sportette is launching a new campaign with female athletes that aims to empower & redefining ideas of beauty in our young girls. Why we believe Strong is the New Pretty is an important message for the next generation.
Netball was trying to sell its ANZ Championships as tough but went about it the wrong way and it looked more like a domestic violence ad. There are better ways to promote toughness.