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She Rides – Ride Again

She Rides is a program that's designed to provide women with the confidence and skills to ride again in an effort to encourage more women to get into riding. Photo: Sportfolio

She Rides is a program that’s designed to provide women with the confidence and skills to ride again in an effort to encourage more women to get into riding. Photo: Sportfolio



Who didn’t love the exhilaration of that first time you rode a bike?

Who didn’t love the exhilaration of that first time you rode a bike?

Remember that?

As soon as the training wheels were whipped off and the fear had long disappeared, it was the feeling of freedom and social satisfaction that took over. Riding with friends, chatting as you discover new places, reach new speeds and achieve goals you never thought possible.

Fast forward 20 or 30 years, you can enjoy that sensation again.

If you’ve ever thought about getting back into riding or looked at the smiles, laughs and enjoyment on those on their bikes and felt a twinge of interest, or perhaps you’re already a cyclist who rides well, but has never ridden in a group and wants to learn the ropes and etiquette of pack riding, well now is your time to do something about it. Cycling Australia has initiated a new program specifically designed to provide women of all levels with the skills to take to hit the road with confidence. It’s specifically designed for women because, in a recent survey of female riders, 52% currently ride alone and over 50% said they would like to feel more confident in their cycling abilities so they could ride in traffic. But 55% said they didn’t have access to safe on-road facilities to do so.

Let’s be honest there are plenty of groups of MAMILs (Middle Aged Men in Lycra) out there, we need more LILAAs (Ladies in Lycra are Awesome).

Enter the She Rides Program.

There are three stages of She Rides: She Rides Basics, She Rides Confidence and She Rides Together, available for both Road and Mountain Bike.

It’s a program delivered over 8-9 weeks with various sessions that are suited to a busy work schedule, they’re also taking place soon all over Australia. It’s a program that provides you with the knowledge you need to ride confidently in traffic, in groups, on the road, delivered in a social and fun setting with the obligatory coffee at the end.

She Rides Basics:

She Rides Basics is a complete refresher on all the basics of riding a bike in a fun, supportive, inclusive and social environment. Sessions will include all the essential skills you need to ride your bike, slowly and progressively with the support of an experienced She Rides Leader.

You will put your skills into action during the program by learning how to ride socially with others and you will also be introduced to shared pathway etiquette as well as learn the basics of bike maintenance, including cleaning and oiling the chain, pumping up your tyres and how to transport your bike.

She Rides Basics is delivered over 8 x 1.5 hour sessions, with plenty of breaks for chatting, resting and socialising with the other ladies. During these breaks, you will learn plenty of general riding information to improve your knowledge and confidence to ride.


She Rides Confidence

This is a confidence building program for women looking for fitness, group riding skills and to create a social riding community of friends in traffic-free, shared path and low traffic road locations. It’s available for both Road/Traffic AND Mountain Bike.

She Rides Confidence (Road/Traffic) is the flagship program that develops your confidence to ride on shared paths and on low traffic roads with others.

And you won’t be alone! She Rides Confidence is all about creating a social riding community of women, so while your confidence grows, be prepared to expand your skills to ride in a group with other ladies, explore your local community in a way you never thought possible and discover local riding routes to enjoy long after the program has finished with like-minded ladies. Each week the distance, time and challenge will progress but all in a fun, supportive, inclusive and social environment.

Being a confident rider is also about being independent. She Rides Confidence will teach you the skills you need off the bike to be self-sufficient whilst out riding. This will include learning how to clean your bike, oil the chain, transport your bike and of course, learn how to change a flat tyre! You will also enjoy a bike shop experience, visiting a local bike shop and learning about what great benefits and services your “local” can provide. She Rides Confidence (Road/Traffic) is delivered over 8 x 2hr sessions or 4 x 1.5hr & 5 x 2hr sessions over 9 weeks.


She Rides Together

A group riding program to improve fitness, advance riding skills and enjoy the freedom of riding together in traffic locations and on some shared paths. This is also available for Road/Traffic AND Mountain Bike.

She Rides Together is just what the name suggests, a group riding program. Sessions include a combination of longer road rides, an advancement for those who have come through the other She Rides programs (or ladies can demonstrate the skills and confidence to join this group).

It’s about group riding for longer and on more challenging routes to improve fitness levels and further develop group riding skills. Sessions will continue to educate you on everything riding, including bike maintenance and general riding information to support your ongoing riding together.

She Rides Together (Road/Traffic) is delivered over 8 x 2hr sessions in a fun, supportive, inclusive and social environment

So what are you waiting for?! Get out there ride, get fit, meet more amazing women and enjoy that feeling of freedom again.

Oh yeah…don’t wait either, as registrations close in just 2 weeks!


Sportette is an ambassador for the She Rides Program.


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